Noam's Hebrew
Personalized Tutoring for All Levels




Learn to speak Hebrew and ENJOY the journey!

Learn Hebrew with Fun & Ease

Click for 9 learning tips

Are you looking for a personalized Hebrew tutoring online or in Tel-Aviv area?

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Engage confidently in conversations with Hebrew-speaking friends and family?”

Improve your conversation skills and fluency?

Avoid feeling that everyone around you is talking too fast and you can’t understand them?

Get to know the Israeli culture and way of life?

Enjoy Hebrew literature and poetry?

Find a way to enjoy communicating in Hebrew?

Advacnced Hebrew Learners!

If you feel like you can understand a lot of Hebrew, but joining the coversation can be challenging, you might want to check out Cafe Ivrit – my monthly events that are designed especially to help you improve your confidence and fluency while speaking Hebrew!

About ME

I am Noam

An experienced Hebrew teacher

I love Hebrew: its beautiful history and intricate grammar; the way it sounds, reads, and translates into music, poetry, and literature. I love the energy it carries and the window it opens to the culture. I have a deep passion for speaking, writing, and teaching Hebrew.

I am a full-time professional Hebrew teacher  and have worked with hundreds of students in various environments. I get great joy helping my students improve their Hebrew vocabulary, grammar skills, and, most importantly, their confidence in speaking and using the language.

I have also written and published 4 books of Hebrew poetry.

Noam Hebrew private teracher
Study hebrew

I love teaching!

My goal is to help my students use the language freely, and to love the process of learning!

My life philosophy translates to my teaching philosophy: go, do, speak, make mistakes, and that’s how you learn. I think the main challege of learning a new language is accepting that it might not be as quick or as easy as you hope. The goal is to enjoy the process of learning and focusing on your strengths.

While it’s easy to communicate in your mother-tongue, it might be challenging to express yourself in Hebrew and you may not feel like yourself. I look at adult language learning as  an opportunity to be a child again, explore new sounds, play with words and expressions and in a way, create a new identity. It doesn’t take anything from your “old-self”, just adding a new flavour to it.



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To get to know me better

Want to study with me? Here are some options:

* A private group? Please contact me for an individual offer *

One-on-One classes

Progress at your own pace, focus on your own needs and goals, become more confident & fluent in Hebrew.

From very beginners to advanced learners.

Private Groups & Companies

Bring Hebrew learning to your workplace! I offer on-site lessons for employees, tailoring the content to their proficiency levels. My conversational approach makes learning engaging and practical. I also provide Hebrew level assessments to ensure everyone starts at the right point and progresses effectively.

Conversational Hebrew

A lot of times, after learning Hebrew for some time, you have a lot of vocabulary, you can understand what other people say (more or less), but saying it yourself can be a challenge. That’s why I opened Cafe Ivrit – to let you simply speak your way to fluency 🙂

What my students say?

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I'm Here to Help!

And here's a bit more...

reading recommendations in Hebrew

Recommended books to read in Hebrew

9 learning tips

For a new language and generally in life 🙂

9 Useful learning tips

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1. Set personalized goals
“I want to speak like an Israeli", "in one month I'll be fluent", "I know someone that spoke fluently after a year…" Those goals are nice, but you need to be realistic about your own pace, not others'. If you set an unrealisic goal to begin with it will only discourage you. Be honest with your abilities and set goals that will help you with your own progress. In the long run, that’s the only thing that will work.
2. Allow yourself to make mistakes
Make mistakes. Enjoy your mistakes. I never met a student, even the most brilliant one, that doesn’t make mistakes with letters, words and tenses. It is the only way to learn. Just like learning to ride a bicycle, you lose balance and you might fall, but at some point it becomes natural. Trust the process and allow yourself to lose balance! Remember that when you fight the “failures”, it is much harder to make progress as your energy goes to holding perfection instead of learning.
3. Focus on your OWN progress
There are always faster, 'smarter' people, the ones that are 'natural', or 'quick'. You never know how long this person is studying, or if they have Israeli background. You never know how many hours they dedicate to learning, and their life circumstances (maybe they work less, maybe you have kids but they are single and generally free. You NEVER know). Because you cannot know, there is NO WAY for you to fairly compare yourself to ANYONE ELSE. You can only compare yourself to your previous self. So just focus on your own goal, and what you can do to get closer to it.
4. What's important is what there IS
Whatever you don't know yet…you just don't know yet. You want it all now of course, but there are no shortcuts. What you CAN do is appreciate what you DO know so far. When you started, you could barely understand any words. Now you can understand 20% or 50% of a sentence. It doesn’t make complete sense yet and you still need to guess a lot (and not always correctly) but it makes more sense than before, right? When you focus on what you know, the anxiety about what you don't know is slowly relaxing and letting a more confident you lead the way.
5. Every exposure to Hebrew creates progress
Even 10 minutes a day helps your progress. Watching YouTube or Netflix, listening to a podcast or a song, ordering coffee at a cafe, chatting with a friend (or even to yourself out loud) - everything you do helps create stronger language bonds in your brain and the full picture of the language is expanding. If you make a habit of spending a little time every day with the language, in the long run you will see amazing progress.
6. Focus on TODAY
TODAY is the only day you can control. It's good to have a vision like “I want to be able to speak with Israelis in two years,” but if you won’t do anything about it NOW, this vision will only frustrate you. Remember that everyday you know more than the day before, and TODAY is the time to learn a little more. Practically, after setting a goal, you don’t even need to think about what you will or will not know tomorrow (or in any future time). Just make sure that you are happy with what you did today. And trust it to pile up to bigger knowledge through time.
7. Combine learning with other things you like to do
If you know that you enjoy activities when you are doing them with someone else, find a practice partner. If you like spending time in coffee shops, take a Hebrew book with you and order your favorite cake to go with it. If you like yoga, watch yoga videos in Hebrew. If you like music listen to songs in Hebrew. And if you need a formal guidance, find a teacher you trust. Combine learning with things you already like doing! However, if your teacher, your friend or anyone else leaves you feeling worthless or hopeless you better find a new partner. It is actually true for everything in life.
8. Let go when needed
If today you are tired or you have a lot going on in your life, if today is just not your day, don’t push yourself to learn. Don’t blame yourself for not being productive. Resting and recharging is necessary and taking breaks is essential. Moreover, creating a positive learning environment, in which you can fully be yourself, including the dips and giving yourself space to rest is crucial for any process. Overall, If you push yourself too much when you just can’t, it will create a feeling of frustration and you will loose motivation. So sometimes safe and slow is better than quick and shaky.
9. Enjoy the journey!
No matter how much time or money you spend, if you're not enjoying the process – it won’t last. So find your way to enjoy it. Choose the right methods for you, create a positive environment both internally and externally. Commit to learning a bit every day or every week, but don’t push yourself far beyond your comfort zone. If you find yourself getting angry maybe it means you need to revise your expectations. Because if you don’t enjoy - it won’t last.
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Advanced Hebrew Learners!​

Join Cafe Ivrit to get a boost to your confidence & fluency in Hebrew!​