In Cafe Ivrit you will speak ONLY HEBREW, each time focusing on a different theme. **And this time – let’s talk about FOOD- in HEBREW :)** =-=-=-= Get ready to chat, laugh, and connect in Hebrew as we share favorite recipes, cooking tips, the foods we like, and experiences of going to the supermarket. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or just love to eat, join us for an evening of culinary conversation—all while speaking only Hebrew!
The evening will be divided into 3 “mini topics” – buying food, cooking, and eating together – with questions you can use to speak more fluently. =-=-=-= How does it work? 1. First of all, you arrive at a cozy and beautiful location (will be updated soo) 2. You receive our special Hebrew words kit that you will use to expand your vocabulary 3. You choose your table next to other Hebrew learners and start speaking. Questions are waiting for you to help “spice up” the conversation, and you can always speak freely – as long as it is in Hebrew! 3. There will be 3 different sessions, with 3 different groups of people, so you will get to have various conversations 4. Oh, and the evening ends with a GAME that combines all the words in the new cards.
The location was specifically chosen so you will have the best environment for speaking Hebrew. =-=-=-=
Here are some practical details:
When: 30.9.24, Monday, 19:30-21:30 Where: Coming up soon What Hebrew levels? Intermmeidate-advanced – for anyone who can already have a conversation and wants to become more fluent. (if you are not sure about your level, you can contact us and make sure)
How much? 120 ILS 400 for 4 events (our HeBrew pass)
How can I join? Click on this link: Also, you can find their FAQ and contact information!